
Christopher Peter Meloni was an American actor who is famous for his role on the popular television show Law & Order Special Victims Unit'. At the age of 18, he began to develop an interest in acting. In his school, the University of Colorado at Boulder where he was studying acting. Though he has been active in both films and television, it is his characters on the smaller screen that earned him a cult admirers. He is able to portray characters of both the bad and good side of the legal system. He can attract the attention of his audience easily. When he first appeared on television, for his debut show, he was a serial murderer. Later he portrayed the role of an NYPD detective. He was repeatedly recognized for his work in the highly coveted Emmy Awards, and the PRISM Awards. His most attractive facial feature is thought to be his striking blue eyes. They are believed as a signature and have aided in depicting rough characters with charisma. He was featured in 2006 when he appeared in the People's Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive list.

Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni


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